Who do
we fund?

We purchase accounts receivable from manufacturers, wholesalers, furniture suppliers, and any credit- worthy domestic and international customers. Furniture Factors provides accounts receivable factoring to businesses of all sizes throughout the U.S.

Who needs to factor?

Companies that will benefit from accounts receivable factoring include:

  • Start-up businesses
  • Small & medium companies
  • Companies without adequate bank financing
  • Companies in need of additional
    working capital
  • Growth-oriented companies

Minimize Risk With
Non-Recourse Contracts

Furniture Factors purchases your accounts receivables on a NON-RECOURSE basis. This means you won’t have to pay anything back to us if your customer fails to pay for undisputed merchandise. As a result, you receive the cash needed to grow your company and meet operating demands on time. We ensure your funding.

Is managing your receivables frustrating?

Our expertise in accounts receivable management helps you to better focus on your operational needs and make better management decisions. We provide you with timely and accurate credit information on your customers. We manage your collections.

This eliminates your bad debt risk.